Tips & Toys
Christmas Activities
KERSFEESDownload Dear Santa: This game is a variation of the listening game “we are going on holiday and….”Start the game by saying: “Dear Santa, this Christmas I would like puppy.”Your child then adds an item to the list, saying: “Dear Santa, this Christmas I would...
Fun with Magnets
MAGNETEDownload CATCH & THROW: Hold one magnet in each hand.Throw the magnets up in the air at the same time letting them connect in the air.Catch the magnets as they fall down.Try to make this harder by clapping your hands twice before catching, catching with...
Easter Games
PAASFEESDownload Egg rolling: Each player receives a hard-boiled egg. Indicate the starting line and the finish line. The first player to roll their egg over the finish line wins. You decide how players get their egg across the line: they can either stand and push the...
Fun with Paint
VERFDownload Hand and foot painting: Cover a large area of the floor with newspaper.Use masking tape to attach plain paper to the newspaper.Mix some paint in a container and let your child paint his/her hand with the paintbrush.Let your child press his/her hand to the...
Games for Valentines
VALENTYNSDAGDownload VALENTINE DOMINOES: Have your child draw different shaped and coloured hearts on the domino tiles provided. Make sure that the top row of each row of tiles has got the same heart. Let your child cut out the domino tiles and have fun...
Games with Clothes Pegs
WASGOEDPENNETJIESDownload Count out twenty clothes pegs. Clip them all over your child’s clothes. Time your child and see how long it takes him/her to pull all twenty pegs off their clothes. Give each child/family member five clothes pegs.Pin the five clothes pegs on...
Fun with Hoola Hoops
HULA-HOOPDownload The classic spin: Getting the hula hoop to spin around your waist can be a good physical challenge.See if your chid can do it.Once s/he gets the hang of it, let him/her try to spin for longer periods of time. Try other tricks while spinning e.g.:...
Fun with Play Dough
KLEIDownload Magic playdough: Make up a batch of playdough and divide it into six balls.In the middle of each ball of playdough hide some food colouring or powder paint (two balls each of red, yellow and blue).Give your child a ball with yellow paint hidden in it and...
Fun with Paper
PAPIERDownload Let your child hold the page between his/her hands. Show your child how to clap his/her hands without letting the paper drop. Each player receives two papers. Indicate where the starting point and finish line is. Players line up behind the starting line...
Fun with Rhythm Sticks
RITMESTOKKIESDownload Twirling: Let your child hold one of the rhythm sticks in his/her right hand (vertically). Let your child use his/her fingers to move the stick in a circular clockwise direction. Now let your child move the stick in a circular counter-clockwise...
Activities with Lacing Shapes
RYGVORMSDownload Lace shape. Change the technique used to lace: Front, back, front, back.In, out, in, out.Around. Trace the outline of the shape. Cut out the shape and decorate it by: Tearing crinkle paper in strips. Crumple the tissue paper and stick the little paper...
Games with a Skipping Rope
SPRINGTOUDownload Walk on the skipping rope Place the skipping rope in a straight line on the ground.Start at one end of the rope and walk forward on the rope to the other end. Adjust this game by changing the way your child walks: Walk heel-toe.Walk backwards.Walk...