- Let your child build a tower with the blocks with three blocks in each row. Alternate the rows, one row straight, one row across.
- Take turns to remove one block from the tower, stacking it on top of the tower (keep alternating the rows).
- See how high you can build the tower.
Jenga: Number recognition:
- Take turns to throw one of the dice supplied.
- The player has to remove the block with the number thrown.
- When all the single digit numbers have been removed, add a dice to build a double digit number. Teach your child about ones and tens. Remove the block with the same number.
Jenga: Math:
- Take turns to throw two of the dice supplied. Add the numbers on the dice to find the answer and remove the block with the number that corresponds to your answer.
- Do not place the block on top of the tower – keep all your blocks to add your points when the tower collapses. The player with the most points win.
- Make the sums more difficult by adding more dice.
Jenga: Words:
- Write down the letters of the alphabet on the blocks. Make sure that there are at least two vowels (a, e, i, o and u) and that the consonants your child knows is represented.
- Each player gets a turn to remove one block from the tower.
- Try to build words with the blocks collected.
- Use the alphabet blocks to play scrabble.
Crash dominoes:
- Place all the blocks so that they are standing up straight.
- Make it interesting by placing the blocks in different patterns.
- When all blocks have been placed in position, let your child push over the first block so that all the blocks fall down.
- Give your child three blocks (adding one block every round).
- Build a pattern, e.g. l – l and let your child copy it.
- Make it more difficult by letting your child look a the pattern for ten seconds and then covering it with a towel. Let your child copy the patterns with his/her blocks.
- Let your child build you a pattern.
- Give your child half of the blocks (27 blocks).
- Build your child a shape, a bridge or steps etc. and let your child copy the shape.
- Make it more difficult by letting your child look at the shape for ten seconds and then covering it with a towel. Your child has to copy the shape.
- Let your child build you a shape.
- Use the blocks to build something.
Target shooting:
- Place a few blocks upright next to each other.
- Tear pages out of an old telephone book and crumple the pages.
- Let your child shoot the blocks with the paper balls.
- Show your child how to make a blowpipe from a straw.
- Let your child try to shoot down the blocks with the blowpipe.
- Let your child hook an elastic band around his/her index finger and pull the band tight with his/her non-dominant hand.
- Grade the activity by giving your child specific instructions:
– Shoot down the middle block.
– Shoot the block on the right side.
– Shoot the number between 3 and 5.
– Shoot the cat – your child has to shoot the “c” then the “a” then the “t” in the correct sequence.